Since the earliest days of discovery and experimentation, rockets have evolved from simple gunpowder devices into giant vehicles capable of traveling into outer space. And yet the concepts for understanding their behavior remain simple.
In the Space Trek Rocketry program, participants will learn the basics behind rocketry and the simple physics that moves them. They will also learn about the history and the future of rockets as we know them here at NASA.
Students will work in teams to construct a Water Rocket using parts that have been designed, 3D printed, and laser cut in our fabrication lab. Each team is comprised of individuals working together with separate roles that simulate positions on a small scale NASA launch team. After construction, students will choose these roles and have different duties based on each role they have been assigned.
Bottle-rocket Engine Thrust Acquisition (BETA) System - Student teams will collect both theoretical and experimental data for their rockets. The theoretical data will be collected using our uniquely designed BETA system. The BETA System uses a force sensor coupled with signal conditioning and sophisticated programming to collect data from the rocket's engine. This is very similar to how NASA performs rocket engine testing. The real-time data is collected using a flight computer on board the rocket during experimental launches.
Finally, teams compete to launch their rockets into specific orbits, without damaging the payload due to too much acceleration. Team with the highest accuracy wins medals and all participating students receive certificates.
Curriculum Components:
- Rocket Construction and Design
- Basic Math and Physics of Rocketry
- Theoretical and Experimental Data Collection
- Data Analysis using LabVIEW
- Using Data in a Physical Experiment
- Teamwork
Generic Schedule
- 09:00
- Meet at Front Gate
- 09:15
- Space Trek Introduction
- 09:45
- Rocketry Program Introduction
- 10:15
- Rocket Assembly
- 11:00
- 12:00
- Lunch
- 12:45
- Rocket Launch Checklist
- 01:00
- Test Launches Begin
- 03:00
- KSCVC Activity
- 04:00
- Day Adjourned
- 09:00
- Meet at Front Gate
- 09:15
- Launch Box and Analysis Software Intro
- 09:30
- Launch Box Testing
- 11:00
- KSCVC Activity
- 12:00
- Lunch
- 12:45
- KSC Tour Discussion
- 01:00
- KSC Tour
- 03:00
- Competition Introduction
- 04:00
- Day Adjourned
- 09:00
- Meet at Front Gate
- 09:15
- Data Analysis
- 10:00
- 11:00
- Return to Data Analysis Final Rocket Preparation
- 11:30
- Rocket Garden Tour
- 12:00
- Lunch With an Astronaut
- 01:15
- Space Shuttle Atlantis Museum Shuttle Launch Experience
- 03:00
- Final Competition
- 03:45
- Graduation
- 04:00
- Day Adjourned
- The placement of KSCVC activities depends on group size. Regardless, all students will see and do all of the events but the timings might change. This schedule only works if groups show up on time every day. Although we do not want to, we may have to remove activities from the schedule to keep the program on track if the group is late. Times of events and availability are always subject to change without notice.
- Shuttle Launch Experience, IMAX Movie Shows and other KSCVC exhibits will be spread around Martian Surface competition schedule.